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Arch. med. deporte ; 40(5): 280-285, Sep. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-230584


El reconocimiento médico deportivo es considerado como un punto de partida para cualquier deportista antes de incorporarse a la actividad física o deportiva. Su objetivo principal es la detección de patologías que pudieran poner en riesgo su vida y aquellas que una vez corregidas pueden potenciar el rendimiento físico. Es por ello por lo que debe realizarse por un equipo de salud multidisciplinario experto en el área. De esta manera, resulta importante revisar la evidencia científica y conocer directamente el estado de salud de un grupo de adultos y niños deportistas, su incidencia de enfermedades cardiovasculares y el rol de la enfermería en su aplicación. Este estudio, evaluó una muestra de 7.340 deportistas con edades comprendidas entre los 3 y 17 años, compuesta de 1.693 femeninos y 5.647 masculinos, a los cuales se les realizó el reconocimiento médico deportivo, de acuerdo con un protocolo registrado y establecido previamente en los clubes deportivos de 2 provincias españolas con el apoyo del personal de enfermería durante el año 2021. De estos, se obtuvo un total de 112 casos de patologías cardiacas, de los cuales el 54% tenía conocimiento de patología cardiaca y el 64% no era conocido. De este grupo de patologías cardíacas no conocidas, el 5,9% de los casos requirió intervención quirúrgica, el 21,1% se encuentra en revisión y el 73% fue dado de alta. El total de casos con patologías cardíacas no conocida representa un 0,70% de la muestra. Así mismo, se determinó el rol fundamental de enfermería en la aplicación de este protocolo.(AU)

The sports medical examination is considered a starting point for any athlete before taking up physical or sporting activity. Its main objective is to detect pathologies that could put your life at risk and those that, once corrected, can enhance physical performance. This is why it must be carried out by a multidisciplinary health team with expertise in the area. In this way, it is important to review the scientific evidence and learn directly about the health status of a group of adult and child athletes, their incidence of cardiovascular diseases and the role of nursing in their application. This study evaluated a sample of 7340 athletes aged between 3 and 17 years, composed of 1693 females and 5647 males, who underwent a sports medical examination, according to a registered and previously established protocol in sports clubs in 2 Spanish provinces with the support of nursing staff during the year 2021. Of these, a total of 112 cases of cardiac pathologies were obtained, of which 54% were known to have a cardiac pathology and 64% were unknown. Of this group of unknown cardiac pathologies, 5.9% of the cases required surgical intervention, 21.1% are under review and 73% were discharged. The total number of cases with unknown cardiac pathologies represents 0.70% of the sample. The fundamental role of nursing in the application of this protocol was also determined.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Criança , Adolescente , Cardiopatias/prevenção & controle , Prevenção de Doenças , Desempenho Atlético , Morte Súbita , Atletas , Medicina Esportiva , Exames Médicos , Exame Físico , Eletrocardiografia , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Estudos de Coortes , Espanha
Sports (Basel) ; 11(7)2023 Jun 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37505609


Eating disorders are a growing societal problem, especially among young people. This study aims to determine the individual and social factors that support and perpetuate the risk of eating disorders (ED) and their possible consequences on an individual's athletic and academic performances. The sample consisted of 395 athletes between 12 and 16 years of age (M = 14.07; SD = 1.35), of whom 142 (35.9%) were female, and 253 (64.1%) were male. A questionnaire was administered to collect information on sociodemographic data, body image, use of social networks, social relationships, sports practice, risk of developing ED, and academic and sports performance. In the resulting analysis, an initial cross-tabulation was carried out to observe the body distortion of the respondents as a function of BMI, followed by a linear regression to analyze the factors influencing the risk of suffering from ED. In addition, correlations were made to determine the relationship between the risk of manifesting ED and academic and sports performance. The main results show that 77.7% of the young athletes present a risk of ED (M = 13.3; DT = 3.33) due to a high body image distortion, which becomes the determining factor. In addition, relationships with family and friends have a significant influence on this. On the other hand, behaviors related with eating disorders affect concentration (r = -0.122; p = 0.01) and fatigue (r = -0.376; p < 0.01). For all these reasons, generating and promoting prevention and early detection guidelines during adolescence is necessary.

Arch. med. deporte ; 35(supl.1): 6-6, 2018. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-195134


La práctica deportiva tiene numerosos efectos beneficiosos sobre la salud y el bienestar de las personas, pero también puede tener efectos negativos, entre los que se encuentran los accidentes y las lesiones. Establecer las diferencias entre lesión y accidente deportivo es de vital importancia desde el punto de vista médico-legal y ayudará a clarificar la regulación jurídica del deporte en estos aspectos. Por ello, el objetivo de este documento es establecer un consenso sobre lo que entendemos por lesión deportiva y sobre qué tipos de lesiones pueden calificarse como accidente deportivo. Se vienen utilizando diferentes criterios, muy dispares, para definir las lesiones deportivas, así como para clasificarlas, lo que lleva a que los datos epidemiológicos no puedan extrapolarse de unos a otros. Así, para unos son todas aquellas que requieren asistencia médica; otros consideran que existe una lesión cuando hay daño corporal que obliga al deportista a abandonar o modificar una o más sesiones de entrenamiento o competición; otros autores entienden que una lesión deportiva debe combinar la necesidad de asistencia médica con la pérdida de tiempo de las actividades deportivas; y finalmente algunos estiman que una lesión deportiva es cualquier problema físico sufrido por un deportista durante el entrenamiento o la competición, independientemente de la necesidad de atención médica y de la pérdida de tiempo de actividades deportivas. Bajo el punto de vista de este consenso, una lesión deportiva es un problema físico debido a una alteración de la integridad de los tejidos que se produce como resultado de la práctica de actividad física o deporte, y que altera la capacidad absoluta o relativa de practicar deporte, independientemente de que requiera atención de personal sanitario o que conlleve ausencias o modificaciones en las sesiones de entrenamiento o en las competiciones. Puede aparecer de forma súbita, en el caso de las lesiones agudas, o tener un comienzo lento y progresivo, en el caso de lesiones por sobrecarga o sobreuso. Un accidente deportivo es una lesión corporal, no intencionada por parte del accidentado, de inicio repentino, provocada por un traumatismo o una carga que supere los límites fisiológicos, y que acontece durante una actividad deportiva identificable. Las causas de los accidentes varían en función de la modalidad deportiva, del terreno donde se practica el deporte, del material deportivo, etc. Todas las lesiones agudas (por traumatismos, malos gestos técnicos o cargas que superen los límites fisiológicos y provoquen un daño tisular) deben ser consideradas como accidentes deportivos, y aquellas en las que el daño tisular aparece en un determinado momento y es progresivo, pudiendo manifestarse clínicamente o no (sobrecargas de repetición), quedan excluidas de lo que entendemos por accidente deportivo

Sports practice has many beneficial effects on the health and well-being of people, but it can also have negative effects between those tha are accidents and injuries. Establishing the differences between injury and sports accident is of vital importance from the medical-legal point of view and will help to clarify the legal regulation of sport in these aspects. Therefore, the purpose of this document is to establish a consensus on what we understand as sports injury and what kind of injuries can be classified as sports accidents. Different criteria have been used, very differente, to define sports injuries, and to classify them, so that epidemiological data cannot be extrapolated from some study to other. Thus, for some are all those that require medical assistance; Others consider that there is an injury when there is bodily injury that forces the athlete to leave or modify one or more training session or competition; another group of authors understand that a sports injury must combine the need for medical assistance with the loss of time from sports activities; finally, others estimate that a sports injury is any physical problem suffered by an athlete during training or competition, regardless of the need for medical attention and loss of time from sports activities. From our point of view, a sports injury is a physical problem due to an alteration of the integrity of the tissues that occurs as a result of the practice of physical activity or sport, and that alters the absolute or relative capacity to practice sport, independently of the fact that it requires attention of sanitary personnel or that it involves absences or modifications in training sessions or competitions. It can appear suddenly, in the case of acute injuries or have a slow and progressive onset, in the case of overload or overuse injuries. A sports accident is a bodily injury, unintentional by the injured person, of sudden onset, caused by trauma or a load that exceeds physiological limits and that occurs during an identifiable sports activity. The causes of accidents depend on the sport modality, sports playground, sports equipment, etc. All acute injuries (due to trauma, incorrect sport technique or loads that exceed physiological limits and cause tissue damage) should be considered as sports accidents and those in which the tissue damage appears at a certain time and is progressive, being able to manifest itself clinically or not (repeated overloads), are excluded from what we understand by sports accidents

Humanos , Consenso , Traumatismos em Atletas/classificação , Acidentes/classificação , Sociedades Médicas , Traumatismos em Atletas/diagnóstico , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Índices de Gravidade do Trauma , Fatores de Risco , Fatores de Tempo , Espanha